Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Moving On Up

Welcome, Faidfans, to the new digs!

When I first created NerfFaids I did not anticipate it ever becoming anything beyond a public journal for my own gold making. I never thought there would be fans or any reason I may need to give out the URL and so the URL was always clunky. "Uh, it's nerffaids.blogspot.com but that's with a double f and Faid is spelled weird . . ."  Just don't really flow, does it? Let's not even start on the fact that it caused people to refer to me as Faids more often than not!

Thanks to generous donations from fans (if you'd like to chip in check out the widget to the right!) I was able to register a domain. Clockwork Riot? Yeah, it's a bit nonsensical, but so is my blog so that's alright. Plus it just sounds badass, which also describes my blog.

Don't worry, I'm not about to change my content; you can expect the same quality Faid-content here, it will just look prettier and be easier to direct people to the site.  NerfFaids will no longer be updated. Don't worry, if you ever need to reference anything or just want to relive past memories the entire blog will still exist at nerffaids.clockworkriot.com for your viewing pleasure.

I've also renamed my Twitter to @YoClockworkRiot and created a new Youtube account to mesh with the new domain.  Be sure to follow/subscribe and all that good stuff at the links below to stay up to date on any Faidnews from here on out.  I will be making my "Best of Nerf Faids" videos available on the new Youtube channel in the coming weeks and will also be publishing all of my new gold making videos there, so be sure you're following!

So what do you need to do?
Here's a quick to-do for all Faidfans so you can stay with me through the move:
  1. Bookmark ClockworkRiot.com
  2. Be sure you're already following @YoClockworkRiot
  3. Subscribe to me on Youtube.
  4. Update your feed reader.
  5. Tell your friends about the move!
(If you're a blog owner don't forget to update your blog roll!)
Thanks, I hope you like the changes as much as I do!


  1. Congrats on your new digs Faid! They look great.

  2. Why don't you export ur old content to this site?

    1. It's like when you're moving house; you could just throw everything into boxes and move it to the new place, or you can take the opportunity to do some clean up, ya know? I'm taking this opportunity to cherry pick the best posts from NerfFaids and start fresh otherwise. :)

  3. So fresh and so clean! Well done!

  4. *scowl* I dislike change /cry. I'm still trying to remind myself that Jim is flux!

  5. Great new site, though I'm not sure what you changed with the RSS, I can't seem follow you on apple's mail RSS reader any longer.
