Sunday, January 27, 2013

The ClockworkRiot LiteCast - Episode 005

In Episode 005 we discuss arbitrage, vanity items to show off, how to enter a new market, how I set up my TSM groups, and more!

It is highly recommended to use the video version as there may be visual aids contained in the video you will not get in the audio-only version. However, by popular demand, the audio only version is still available to iTunes subscribers.

Notes, Links, and More!
Subscribe on iTunes by clicking here.

Question about my UI? - Click here.
My video of vendor recipes/pets route can be found here.
My glyph inventory management video can be found here.
The PetTracker Battle Pet addon can be downloaded here.

If you'd like a gold-making question answered on the podcast leave a comment on the YouTube page!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 2 - Gold Making Goal Making

There's no rule saying it has to be consecutive days!  This post is part of 20 Days of Gold-Making from Nev's gold blog. Be sure to check it out and read posts from the other participants as well to get lots of different angles of gold making thoughts.

Day 2 - If you set yourself a goal, what was your goal & at what point did you set it?

I didn't originally have a real goal, at least not a quantifiable one.  Discovering the gold making community it was like I learned of a vast subculture I'd never known, people who had been operating all along, selling me my gems and enchants, and I'd never even noticed that just a few people drove so much of my server's economy. I didn't really care how much I made; I had no real item I wanted to buy or anything, I just wanted to experience it.

I also just never thought I'd make a lot of gold. Since I started out posting glyphs at just a few gold profit, if that, I knew I'd never reach the hundred thousand gold mark, but even having 50k was amazing to me, as I'd barely scraped together enough for a Chopper and never gone beyond that.

As blogging became a bigger drive to my gold making it changed a bit. While it's not really a sensical thing to do there are folks who judge the value of a blogger's advice on how much gold they have.  If Mr. Moneybags gives a tip there are those who will think, because clearly he has so much, his tips are more worth following than Mr. Just Started.

You don't see it so much anymore, or maybe I just don't notice it since I'm no longer self-conscious about having a barren bank account, but there have been people who have flat out said that if someone isn't gold capped their advice isn't worth listening to, which I certainly disagree with.

It was these sorts of attitudes I saw as I began to blog and eventually I wanted to have a lot of gold; not for myself or to buy anything but just to be taken more seriously as a gold-maker. I set my eyes on the gold cap of 214k and went for it. Then once gold cap was raised of course I needed to hit the new gold cap. Now I'm going for two million. I have two million across both factions but, as regular readers know, I don't really count my Horde gold into my total wealth, so still a bit to go for "real" double gold cap in my eyes.

I'm not sure if it will ever be "enough," even if I own every piece of copper on the server. There's always gold to be made and you never know when that new gold sink is just over the horizon. At the end of the day I still am doing it for the same reason I always was; not to hit any arbitrary goal but to learn and enjoy the practice of gold-making.

Friday, January 18, 2013

The ClockworkRiot LiteCast - Episode 004

In Episode 004 we discuss finding niche markets to avoid being undercut, what to do when other gatherers won't share the nodes, and more!

It is highly recommended to use the video version as there may be visual aids contained in the video you will not get in the audio-only version. However, by popular demand, the audio only version is still available to iTunes subscribers.

Notes, Links, and More!
Subscribe on iTunes by clicking here.

Jim's posts about flipping greens can be found here.

If you'd like a gold-making question answered on the podcast leave a comment on the YouTube page!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 1 - The Beginning - 20 Days of Gold Making

I saw Nev's 20 Days of Gold Making post a few days ago and it really seemed like something fun to do; an excuse to talk about some of my gold-making strategies and ideas that may not come up in your average Q&A or post.  Be sure to check out her original post for a list of the questions you can look forward to me answering here, and check back if the subjects interest you!

For now, let's start with Day 1, the logical place to begin.

You know you've been around a
long time if you remember this is
what Liquidate used to look like!
Day 1 - When did you start gold making & what triggered it?

I began making gold about two months before patch 4.0.1 at the end of Wrath of the Lich King. I'd never really heard of gold blogs or anything of the like; I didn't even know there were players who considered "gold making" an activity. I just thought everyone had a few thousand gold, like me.

I used to hang out on a LiveJournal WoW community (go ahead and laugh, I accept my LJ days) and one of the posters made a post celebrating hitting gold cap, which at the time was 214k. I was floored. I asked her how she'd made so much and she told me she'd made everything with glyphs. "Teach me!"  I didn't really care about being mega-rich, I just thought this mini-game of sorts sounded interesting.

I had a scribe since I'd been making  my own Insane in the Membrane rep cards but I'd never even thought of glyphs as a money-maker. She told me I should use an addon called QuickAuctions3 to help sell. I downloaded it and was so confused. I asked her to teach me and she linked me to Stokpile's QA3 Guide. (Folks who have only known TSM go ahead and check it out, you'll be thankful for TSM!)

I was able to set up QA3 and began selling glyphs. I would often turn a 1-3g profit on any given glyph sale; I really didn't have a handle on "time is money" and felt like I was doing great! As someone who had never really looked for profit I thought this is what it meant to make gold.  

With my penny here-penny there glyph sales followed by a very successful Glyphmas I was able to hit the 214k gold cap right before it was raised; a huge accomplishment for me!

Stokpile's blogroll introduced me to countless other gold blogs and the gold-making community as a whole. I found it so fascinating I began my own blog and that has kept me in the gold-making game ever since.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Where has Faid gone?

You'll notice I haven't been very vocal on the blog, Twitter, etc. since before Christmas. Well, now that the dust has settled I may as well tell you why.

I quit raiding. A few days before Christmas some issues I'd been having with raiding finally became too much for me and I decided to quit. It was a big deal for me; I know some people will roll their eyes but I literally did cry myself to sleep that night. Outside of if the raid content is good or bad I've enjoyed raiding because of my raid group.  I've raided with them since the release of ICC and have had the opportunity to meet a few of them in real life. Hell, I've been raiding with them for as long as I've known my boyfriend and it's always been one  of our "together" activities.

I think in the long run it will be a step in the right direction; I've already made great improvements to my life (our apartment's the cleanest it's been in ages!) and I enjoy not feeling tied to my computer on raid nights. I think it will be a good move in the long run but the tremendous change has left me a bit ho-hum about WoW.

I'm not quitting WoW, nor am I quitting gold-making. No longer feeling like I'm playing to raid I've been able to focus on gold even more; I've finished getting every Spirit of Harmony pattern for every profession and am averaging 27k net profit a day. I hit two million liquid gold for the first time a few days ago as well.

I look forward to continuing to put out gold-making content; I just felt that quitting raiding was too big of an event in my "WoW career" to not warrant some mention.

I hope everyone had amazing holidays, now let's get back to making some major gold. :)

Also, if you have any gold making questions for the LiteCast please feel free to submit them, I'm going to be making the new episode in the next few days.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The ClockworkRiot LiteCast - Ep 003

In Episode 003 we discuss arbitrage, vanity items to show off, how to enter a new market, how I set up my TSM groups, and more!

It is highly recommended to use the video version as there may be visual aids contained in the video you will not get in the audio-only version. However, by popular demand, the audio only version is still available to iTunes subscribers.

Notes, Links, and More!
Subscribe on iTunes by clicking here.

Basmastersix's YouTube channel can be found here.
Basmastersix's post about this farming spot.
My post about using the Neutral AH for arbitrage can be found here.
How to Set Up Enchanting in TSM Like a Boss by Reverb can be found here.

If you'd like a gold-making question answered on the podcast leave a comment on the YouTube page!