Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The ClockworkRiot LiteCast - Ep 002

In Episode 002 we discuss making gold without lots of Spirits of Harmony, heirloom enchants, and dealing with competitors on the Auction House.

It is highly recommended to use the video version as there may be visual aids contained in the video you will not get in the audio-only version. However, by popular demand, the audio only version is still available to iTunes subscribers.

Notes, Links, and More!
Subscribe on iTunes by clicking here.
Find Xsinthis' Golden Crusade Shuffler here.

If you'd like a gold-making question answered on the podcast leave a comment on the YouTube page!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The ClockworkRiot LiteCast - Ep 001

In Episode 001 we discuss the longevity of Darkmoon Faire trinkets, TradeSkillMaster profiles, the value of reputation grinding, and more!

It is highly recommended to use the video version as there may be visual aids contained in the video you will not get in the audio-only version. However, by popular demand, the audio only version is still available to iTunes subscribers.

Notes, Links, and More!
Subscribe on iTunes by clicking here.

If you'd like a gold-making question answered on the podcast leave a comment on the YouTube page!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fast & Easy Battle Pet Leveling

Looking for a way to make your pets for sale stand out from the competitors? Or maybe you just like pet battles as much as I do. Regardless, leveling pets is a really fun pastime and now you can even farm Flawless Battle-Stones while doing it. (Warning: Currently they're bugged and may disappear on logging out; put them on the AH or use them before logging out!)

Either way, here's a great way to get some fast and easy levels on your battle pets, I hope you guys enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Checking In

Hey, hope you guys didn't think I'd died! I hadn't realized how long it'd been since I did something on the blog; I'm trying to do more on YouTube and I sometimes forget to cross-post the videos to the blog. I'm still alive though.

I'm re-launching the ClockworkRiot LiteCast as a video podcast on my YouTube channel. The first episode will be out any day now; it's actually already uploaded but YouTube is dragging its feet in verifying that I'm not a dirty copyright villain.  So that should be coming shortly.

I've become far more interested in pet battles than I'd ever anticipated. I still raid but it doesn't give me the same joy it used to; I go to raid because I made a commitment to the other raiders, not because I'm excited to raid. Most of my time has actually been spent doing pet battles and making gold to fund my pet buying sprees.

Right now my markets are:
  • Alchemy: I do my transmutes each day to stay on top of Belt Buckles; I'm considering going potion spec and selling Potions of Luck but have not done so yet.
  • Blacksmithing: All 450 crafted gear and belt buckles
  • Enchanting: Trainer-taught MoP enchants; I haven't unlocked the rep ones and heirloom enchants, though profitable, move slowly for me.
  • Engineering: Tinker's Gears and vanilla pets like the Lifelike Mechanical Toad, I haven't been impressed with the scope market
  • Inscription: I sell the kite pets and shoulder enchants, both rare and epic. I'm also continuing my partnership with two other scribes on my server to sell glyphs. "Same old same old."
  • Jewelcrafting: I find it pointless to sell most cut blue-quality gems. I sell the 450 crafted jewelry and cut meta gems.
  • Leatherworking: I haven't really worked on Leatherworking much, though it's next on my list. If I did have it I imagine I'd spend my time selling 450 crafted gear.
  • Tailoring: I sell all of the 450 crafted gear as well as the green-quality spellthreads for pants. I use my massive Volatile stockpile to make Dreamcloth and sell Illusionary Bags.
So that's about it for the crafting professions!

I've pretty much abandoned transmog, not because it wasn't profitable but because it was boring as could be. I never liked transmog and was just slowly selling off the pieces I'd bought when testing TSM Shopping lists. I eventually just said "screw it" and I vendored or disenchanted 95% of my stock, keeping a few of the more valuable pieces for my own transmog purposes.

So that's pretty much what I've been doing. I'm not dead!